Boys Fencing: Brought Back From the Dead

After years being dormant, the Wayne Valley Boys Fencing Team is trying to make a comeback. It was recently announced that there will possibly be a team for the 2017-2018 Winter season. However, at least ten boys need to sign up to make the team official. So far, around eight have shown interest.

Therefore, if you or anyone you know would enjoy fencing, then let the Girls Fencing Assistant Coach, Ms. Jarger, know right away! No prior fencing skill is required.

A sophomore who is interested in joining, Daniel Bernstein, expressed his excitement for idea. “I think fencing could provide a great athletic opportunity for male students who have not expressed enthusiasm for the traditional sports provided,” he told me. If this sounds like you, definitely try and be a part of the first Boys Fencing Team that WV has seen in decades.