The National Honors

All students work from freshman year to get into best program at Wayne Valley. The National Honors Society is a group of kids that have a 3.5 GPA or higher. NHS is the nation’s premier organization to recognize outstanding students. It serves to honors students not only with good grades but kids that demonstrate excellence in areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Being in the group can be nerve wracking because you can be put on probation if you go under the minimum GPA or don’t acquire enough credits.

I asked the president of NHS some tips for incoming juniors. Zack Spodek responded “Manage your time, stay organized and keep your grades up.” It’s really important to be checking your grades all the time to make sure you still have above the 3.5 every marking period. Managing your time is very important because when you need a certain amount of credits you can’t wait until last minute to get them. Towards the deadline everyone is trying to get their credits in time so it’s hard to sign up before all the events spots are filled.

There are a lot of advantages to being in this club. Every year you have an opportunity to go on a three day trip. They mostly go to places like Canada or Boston. This is a fantastic learning experience because you go through the towns and see all the historic places. I also asked Zack his favorite part of NHS last year with which he responded “I loved going to events, seeing my friends and giving back to the community.” You do a lot of community service while participating in this club and it really is very rewarding.

This enjoyable club looks amazing on college applications. Madison Saypol, a member of NHS talked to me about her favorite activity to get credits, “I love doing the kids helping kids because you get 6 credits every time you go and it’s really easy to help younger kids with homework.” Most kids compete to get a kids helping kids stop every week. It’s the easiest way to gain credits without doing a lot of work.

The best advice for the upcoming juniors this year is so keep your grades up and check them periodically. Also it’s very important to manage your time and make sure you have enough credits before the yearly deadlines. Follow these guidelines and you’ll flourish this year!