Graphic Design: an art with no limits. The students of Wayne Valley Graphic Design are exposed to various aspects of art, technology, marketing, communications, and more. This sequence of three courses teaches students how to use design software and witness real-world design projects. They are trained to meet requirements and make necessary decisions that professional designers regularly make. Aside from learning a level of professionalism, students get to have fun and explore their creative sides. They can test their abilities and use them for personal projects as well. Students begin to realize that aspects of design are everywhere as they slowly become acquainted with them. For example, in a recent class, students made charactres out of fruits and vegatables.
On a personal note, graphic design has opened up my artistic view of the world. I now appreciate small Design details as I notice them in hallways, on t-shirts, online, and in the streets. Being a part of Valley Graphic Design also allows me to leave my mark on the school with projects such as murals and posters. We are also able to create media posts for the school and website additions. These are the things that remind us that design is so much more than just little projects. Design has such a huge impact on how we view the world, and very few recognize it. Student Cibely Xavier says, “Graphic design helps me unleash my creativity!”