Wellness Initiative
In recent years Wayne Public Schools have taken the initiative to apply wellness programs to the education system. These Wellness initiatives include wellness weekends, bringing therapy dogs, the wellness fair, as well as implementing wellness practices in class. These practices are supposed to help students relax and rejuvenate while still maintaining their busy schedules.
Wellness weekends are select weekends throughout the school year, where students do not receive any homework. These weekends typically fall right before the holidays. This provides the students with extra time to catch up on other things and a well-deserved break from their studies. So far, these weekends have been an event to look forward to and a reason for kids to push through their work and get things done. These weekends are definitely a big wellness success.
Last spring, Wayne Valley held a wellness fair for the students and faculty, which involved many of the clubs and organizations involved with the school. This fair consists of multiple booths which are organized by the school’s clubs and associated groups, each booth shares a different aspect of wellness whether it is how to sleep better, how to respect yourself, how to get to know yourself better, or how to protect yourself. The themes of each booth better the students and faculty in some way, the school is allowed to come together and take a breath from the natural chaos of life. The students can visit the fair during their lunch periods as well as their regular class periods if their teachers allow it.
In the past Wellness Fair, therapy dogs were invited to come. Students were streaming into the small gym to pet these adorable dogs. The students were permitted at a controlled rate, to prevent scarring or to overwhelm the dogs. It seemed that the students were blissfully happy and relaxed as ever in the presence of these dogs. No one could get enough of them. To continue these wellness practices on a more regular basis, some teachers implement them in class. For example, Ms. DelPizzo practices mediation in her classes once a week. This is a weekly release of stress for the students, which has proved to be very helpful.