The Future of Amazon

As time changes, big corporations steadily introduce new ways of providing the best products and services more efficiently for their customers. Amazon for one, is ready for the future! It is becoming remarkably innovative in the vast world of online shopping. Amazon’s endeavors gears itself towards changing the traditional retail enterprise.

There is very little Amazon does not have. December 5th marks one of Amazon’s boldest transformation. The founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, launched the company’s first ever physical retail store, “Amazon Go.” The company is devising strategic ways of increasing their services to fit the needs of the people. For example, they are using the information from their customers’ digital transactions to truly understand what they buy, how they buy, and when they buy. Jeff Bezos states, “we don’t claim it’s the right strategy. We just claim it’s ours. But we do think it’s right. “ This way, it inspires consumer comfort and engagement, potentially improving their enterprise.

Located in Seattle, Washington, Amazon Go is strictly open to employees in their Beta program. However, it will be open to the public in the near future. Research shows that the number one reason consumers don’t like to shop in a store is waiting in line, it is merely a waste of time. With a bit of ingenuity, Amazon Go discovered an alternative to this problem, and that is having no lines and no checkout. It sounds crazy, right? It really isn’t. Customers will scan their phone when they walk in and grab whatever products they wish to have; you simply grab n’ go.

Amazon’s endeavors are proving that the future we see in movies is potentially what we’re going to be seeing in the very near future. It has only been 23 years since the company was launched and since then, every year Amazon has been improving their services. If you compare Amazon, and Walmart, a 55 year running company, Amazon is remarkably surpassing them. We’ve come a long way from carrier pigeons. In an interview with Charlie Rose, Bezos discusses his take on the future with his company, “ the secret is we’re on, like, our seventh generation of fulfillment centers [warehouses]. And we have gotten better every time.” 23 years and running, Jeff hopes and is confident that the company will strive for a greater succession.