Whether or not kids of today’s generation are prepared for adulthood has been an ongoing debate, especially with the rise of social media platforms highlighting people’s everyday lives. On apps like TikTok, there are a variety of videos of people explaining how teens don’t seem to know information that may be seen as college knowledge: teens have gone viral for not knowing how to work a washing machine, for putting diesel gas in a car, and for simply not being prepared for the cost of actually living on their own.
A lot of parents want their kids to succeed with as few regrets as possible, but time passes quickly, and there is no confirming that kids will know everything they need when moving out. So, to make sure you’re on the right track, here are some skills to know before moving out on your own!
1. Basic Cooking Skills
Most people living with their parents/guardians rely on them to make their food. However, when you move out, you’ll come to the annoying realization that you are now the one responsible for your own meals. “Takeout is always an option,” is another common excuse, but should you really be spending that money on food everyday when you’ve just moved out and you’re paying your own rent? These concerns are why you should get a jump start on learning your favorite recipes–if you learn to cook while you’re still home, you will be ready for college when mealtime relies on you.
2. Laundry Skills
Whether you plan on going to a laundromat or purchasing a washer and dryer, knowing how to do your laundry is a necessity. While it seems simple to some, it can be shocking to know that not a lot of teens and adults know how to do this. A simple YouTube video on how this is done can let you know all there is to it–so why not start now? Your parents definitely won’t mind you helping out with laundry, so there’s no reason not to practice at home!
3. Cleaning Skills
Cleaning is just as important as cooking–once you’ve cooked and eaten your yummy meals, you have to clean up the mess you made. Most people are taught from a young age how to tidy up their space, but there is more to cleaning than just putting your clothes away. Do you know how to clean your bathroom? Do you know how to clean your kitchen? What products do you use for wood? For windows? If you answered “no” or “I dont know!” to any of these questions, you should probably learn before it is too late. The last thing you want for your brand new living space is to look around and see mess everywhere and not know how to fix it. When you practice deep cleaning your bedroom and bathroom, maybe even helping out in other places, it can prepare you for when you get your own space.
4. Budgeting & Other Financial Skills
Many people express their concerns on the internet about not knowing how to handle money because they were pushed into adulthood without enough preparation. Luckily, Wayne Valley provides financial literacy and other classes that allow you to get a basic understanding on how to manage your money and other financial skills. On top of those classes, there are many courses online that you could take to help you gain more knowledge on the subject so you feel at least a little confident about your money-making decisions. This is an incredibly important subject to be educated on, so definitely utilize the resources available!
5. Car Maintenance Skills
Many teens dream of getting their dream cars as gifts before they move out, but what many don’t take into consideration is the maintenance. Once you’ve gotten past learning how to drive a car, it is important to learn about road safety and vehicle care. Getting your car serviced is one way to keep up with your car and to know of any issues. Reading up about your specific vehicle or watching videos is another great way to figure out the basics or learn some things that you don’t already know. Before you find yourself in a troubling situation with your vehicle on the road, it is important to learn as much about car maintenance as possible. And, of course, know how to fix your car or who to call if it malfunctions on the road–because you do not want to find yourself in that kind of situation!