During his many years of teaching APUSH II and AP Government and Politics, Mr. Carroll has gained a reputation for being one of the most likable teachers in the building. Mr. Carroll holds positions in both school district politics and outside governments, and his expertise in these fields are extensive. Throughout each school year, he combines his passion for political sciences with his love for educating, leaving students each year inspired to become more active in their communities, and more diligent in their studies. He has helped countless students cultivate futures in law and history through his classes, and he is commonly noted as a huge inspiration for the students going down historical–and any other–career path.

Along with Mr. Carroll’s exemplary teaching skills is the trait that he is most known for—his sense of humor. During lectures, Mr. Carroll keeps students on their toes with harmless jabs and comical stories. If you have ever been in the Carroll Wing and heard loud yelling and laughing, then you have probably witnessed this firsthand. 

Arguably, Mr. Carroll’s best quality is how he treats his students as equals. Whenever a class discussion arises—whether it be a political debate or a funny argument—he gives his students the exact attention and respect they give him. He also makes sure that his students are never overwhelmed with the amount of work they have at once. In his class, he tells students that he values their wellness over any form of assignment he gives—which is an incredibly respectable thing to say to AP students. Mr. Carroll understands that he teaches dedicated AP students, who likely take other rigorous courses, and that bombarding them with work will not help them at all. Despite giving far less work than most other AP courses, he still teaches at an incredibly high level and prepares his students for the exam as much as he possibly can. 

Mr. Carroll will be greatly missed by Valley students and staff. The students who were fortunate enough to have him will never forget the influence he had on them.