Environmental Issues: Newly Extinct Animals

Environmental Issues: Newly Extinct Animals

Climate Change has brought many changes to the modern-day world and the issues are only increasing as the days go by. Recently, scientists have found out that twenty-three different species have gone extinct. Most of these animals were birds with eleven different species of them going extinct. However, other animals, like types of mussels, fish, bats, and even a plant have gone extinct as well. These species’ extinction will affect the ecosystems of other animals and how they survive overall. This shows how climate change, which is caused by humans, is negatively affecting the environment. Even with the Endangered Species Act, these animals were not saved in time. 

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was passed in 1973. The goal is to preserve the habitats and different species that are endangered or threatened. This also prevents the transport of endangered species by keeping them out of possession of people who are unqualified. Many other things are banned because of this law, including the importation and exportation of these animals or plants. If this law is broken, it can lead to consequences such as a fine, or in extreme cases, imprisonment. 

Although many people are trying to put an end to climate change, not nearly enough is being done. Species going extinct is proof that climate change is real. Climate change will continue to affect Earth in negative ways until everyone is working and willing to help solve it. Even doing the simple things such as recycling a plastic bottle can make a big difference in the world. When asked about it, Mrs. Tababa, one of the science teachers, says that climate change “Impacts different environments differently. Animals are not able to adapt to this change…they would die out.” If more people and companies would be working on making a change, then we might have a chance against climate change.