Staying Organized During Virtual Learning

As we take on virtual learning in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, it can become very easy to feel stressed, unmotivated, and disorganized. Luckily, there are several tips and tricks that can help you stay organized and make your online school experience more manageable. For instance, finding a quiet space to attend your classes will be very beneficial, because your attention will stay focused solely on your schoolwork. Another tip for staying organized is to have a clean and clear workspace where you can complete your work. As they say, a cluttered desk means a cluttered mind! 

Once you’ve picked a distraction-free spot, keep all of your current schoolwork nearby. Make sure to separate your work for each class so it is not all jumbled together—that way, you can avoid scavenging for papers during a lesson. If your work is online, you can separate it in Google Drive by creating labeled folders for each class. Using a planner is a great way to avoid forgetting about due dates and making sure that all of your assignments are completed on time. If you don’t like to use a physical planner, there are lots of apps that perform the same function, including “The Homework App.” 

Ultimately, one of the best skills to master is time management; if you can spend your time efficiently, you will always be able to stay organized and on top of your work. Establishing a daily routine or schedule will help you to budget your time and remain productive throughout the whole day. While it’s important to set aside time to complete assignments, it’s equally important to designate time to relax and take care of yourself. Finding a balance between work and leisure activities can be difficult, but it is worth it. These have been unprecedented times for everyone, and we are all adjusting to this strange situation and constantly changing schedule. Only you can figure out what works best for yourself—if you can stay organized, you’ll stress less, and everything will work out just fine.