Safe Fall Activities for the Whole Family

Amidst the pandemic, it’s hard to find entertainment for friends and family, but locally there is an abundance of fun fall activities to do while simultaneously staying safe. 

This coming Friday, October 30th, the Wayne Parks and Recreation Department is hosting a free admission trunk-or-treat in the Wayne Municipal Parking Lot. The trunk-or-treat starts at 5:30 P.M and is followed by a double feature of The Nightmare Before Christmas and Poltergeist, both Halloween favorites. 

At 1:00 P.M on Saturday, October 31th, Cucina Calandra in Fairfield is holding Halloween pizza-making for kids. Costumes are highly encouraged, and masks and reservations are required to participate at this event. Social distancing will be enforced and the admissions fee is $15.00 per child. Each child will receive pizza, their very own chef’s hat, and an apple cider donut!

On Halloween night, Calandra’s Mediterranean Grill in Fairfield is presenting the nostalgic film Hocus Pocus! There is a $10.00 price for admission and a reservation is required to attend. The film will begin at 7:00 P.M and you can enjoy the show while dining with friends and family in their spacious outdoor seating area. 

On Sunday, November 1st, the Wayne PAL is sponsoring an Antiques and Collectables show. Starting at 9:00 A.M and running through 3:00 P.M, there will be an abundance of vendors who will be selling various things such as vintage toys, books, jewelry, glassware, china, etc. The entrance fee is $1.00 for adults and anyone under the age of 12 is free.