Snow Days: More Like No Days
Throughout the year we have a limit of 4 snow days, almost every single year we have used all of these days up. For example, last year we used up to eight when the limit was five. With the decrease in the number of snow days that we have this year, we are approaching our limit. If we have another snow day it will be taken out of our memorial day weekend; if we use more than that, then we get days taken out of spring break.
Taking away days from our memorial day weekend and our spring break is a very controversial issue. Some argue that we should have those vacation days and stay in school later on in June. Others claim that we should just come to school instead of going on our memorial day weekend or spring break and end school at the usual date.
For example, 10th grader Kelsey Lauckner believes that “once we use up all of our snow days we should have working snow days where we post stuff online and it counts as a school day so that we do not have to use up our spring break.” When asked if spring break and memorial day weekend was important she explained, “Yes, because it is the only long break that we get. We can use it for vacation and relaxation time. If it happens to be taken away, then they have to worry about school when they are away, this makes it stressful”. Other students also agreed with her point of view, one of these being 9th grader Madelyn McDermott. She went on to say that “we should not take days of off spring break. We should add them on to the end of the year”. Students generally find that these breaks are required to end the year off better then it started.
Geometry and Precalculus teacher Mrs. Boltzer was considering her options. She elucidated “I do not want to lose spring break, but I also like snow days! If we need the snow day because the roads are bad then it is important,” but she also agreed with the students when asked if spring break was important. She stated that “spring break is important because both students and teachers need a break at that time. They need to relax and recharge so that they can finish up the year on a strong note.” Both students and teachers benefit from these breaks, and when taken away, it can mess with the flow of the remaining days. School automatically becomes more stressful for everyone.
Spring break is a crucial part of our school year; it allows us the time to unwind and come back to school with a fresh mind. This break prepares us for state testing and finals; it gives us a break and even time to develop our thoughts. Overall, many students agreed that we should keep our memorial day and spring break because it is an essential asset in achieving the best.