Wayne Valley Girls Softball‘s Upcoming Season


Currently, the WVHS Softball team is in need of freshman girls. With their preseason less than a week away, these girls are getting ready for a great season. This year, there have only been seven freshman who have showed interest in being a part of Valley’s softball team. Hopefully, before the season starts, this year’s team will have a full squad that is up and ready to go. If more girls join, even just to try out the sport, then the program as a whole will improve.

Freshman Lindsay Kline, who is going to be playing Valley Softball for her first year, says, “Softball is a very fun sport that everyone should have the chance to join. The team that you play on becomes your family, and you get to challenge yourself mentally and physically. The Wayne Valley Softball Team is making no cuts this year, so everyone can play.” Lindsay, herself, is looking forward to a great opportunity to make new friends with the other freshman and upperclassmen. Lindsay is hoping to have a freshman team and with that a fun and competitive season. If more freshman do not plan on joining, then seven girls will not be enough to have a full working Freshman team. In order to get a full team, with subs, there would need to be at least five more girls with an interest of joining.

As of now, the girls locker rooms have posters that are encouraging all freshman who are not currently planning on playing a spring sport to try it out. However, if this year’s Freshman girls do not want to try softball, Lindsay explains that, “This year, there is enough players to have a JV and a Varsity team. Since there are not enough players for a Freshman team, we are having a Sub-V team. A Sub-V team is a mix of Sophomores and Freshman. I personally encourage all freshman interested in playing, to join. The great thing about this is, you could have never played before, and you will make the team.” Even as a Freshman herself, Lindsay thinks that it being a part of a sport is a great experience that you will never have if you don’t ever try something new.