Finding the Perfect Pair of Sneakers

Picture this. You are running a 26 mile marathon up steep hills and along paths with gravel and dirt. At the 20 mile mark, you continue to pass your competition and move ahead. You begin to notice the discomfort in people’s faces as they pause to adjust their sneakers, which have gotten uncomfortable and worn out for them. Luckily, you have just purchased the perfect pair of sneakers, and winning this marathon won’t be a problem.
In order to find the right pair of sneakers, searching for different qualities can definitely be a pain. Sizing is one of the biggest problems people encounter when looking for shoes. Studies show that the human feet swell up until about 4 pm, which will definitely make a difference when shopping for a perfect pair of sneakers. Therefore, shopping in the evening will be more beneficial for correct sizing.

It is recommended to always size up when in doubt, never down. If your feet are an awkward size where they don’t fit correctly in almost any size, it is the best choice to go a little bigger. With a looser fit, your feet will always be able to grow into the sneakers and they won’t be caught in the discomfort of shoes that are too small. Your feet can always grow, but they will almost never shrink!

Next comes looking at the specifics of your feet. Do they have a high arch? Are they wide or narrow? Each and every person has different foot structure that will need to be taken into consideration when shopping for sneakers. How your foot hits the pavement while running is a significant factor that a salesperson should be able to help you determine. Seeing how your feet hit the ground allows you to identify which shoes give you the support you need in order to run both distance and speed.

Along with foot support, feet are usually one of three types: rigid/curved, neutral, and straight/flexible. Shape Lifestyle/Beauty recommends if you notice that your feet are the first type, curved, (or have a high arch), a sneaker with a curved outsole, soft cushioning, and midfoot support is highly recommended. For neutral feet, a semi-curved outsole and moderately cushioned sneaker would work. For those with straight and flexible feet, a straight outsole and firm insert on arch side of a firm midsole along with a firm lower heel would be advised. These descriptions have been shown to match each type, and will definitely fulfill your needs when shopping.

Lastly, it is important to take into consideration what sport or activity you will be performing with your sneakers. There are different types of sneakers for different jobs. Stores generally categorize their sneakers into different sports to make it easier to know where to look. For example, there are sneakers just for track, just for cycling, and so on. Each sneaker will have different characteristics to allow you to excel in that activity.

Overall, remember that it is important to change your sneakers every 300-600 miles in order to avoid arch aches/pains. When looking for new sneakers, always shoot for correct size, comfort, and quality. Hopefully from this point on looking for new sneakers will not be a problem, and they will help you advance in your fitness career!