Coming Soon: Video Yearbook

Coming Soon: Video Yearbook

From a blockbuster movie, to a broadway show, to a Wayne Valley Television Production, Mean Girls is this year’s video yearbook theme. Mean Girls features a group of girls who assert social dominance over their high school, revealing the pitfalls of bullying and social stereotyping. Video yearbook, produced by the senior TV Production class, will recreate some of the most recognizable scenes from the movie. The scenes will apply the plot of Mean Girls to our Wayne Valley setting, featuring some compelling twists.

      In addition to the theme of Mean Girls, video yearbook will feature segments of all Wayne Valley sports teams, clubs, and other activities such as the Senior Fashion Show and Prom. Most segments are about one minute and thirty seconds long and offer a fun recap of all the successful groups students participate in across Valley. For many, it captures the essence of the school and is a worthwhile momento to keep for years after you graduate.

All seniors attending Project Graduation will receive a free copy of video yearbook. For all underclassmen, it is only fifteen dollars on Community Pass. Make sure to purchase your Mean Girls edition of Video Yearbook soon!