Indians Versus Patriots!

The annual Wayne Valley versus Wayne Hills Football game is at Valley this Friday October 28th at 7:00pm. Presale tickets are now available at the courtyard office from 8:00am – 3:00pm ($2.00 for students and $4.00 for adults).
Assistant Principal and Athletic Director Mr. Drozjock wants fans to know that the Wayne Police Department will have a major presence at the game. No alcohol or grills are permitted. In addition, the Wayne Police have requested that fans NOT bring backpacks or any other large containers into the stadium. Valley and Hills are looking forward to a great high school football game and an opportunity to watch our towns’ marching bands and cheerleaders.
The Wayne Valley Football Booster Club will again this year collect items for the local Food Bank – Wayne Interfaith Pantry. Please consider bringing donations to this game.
Remember, parking is limited on school property and overflow parking will be directed to the adjacent municipal parking lot.